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Tubular Membrane for Landfill Leachate

SUN® Tubular Membranes for Landfill Leachate 

Data Sheet

Leachate from landfills and incinerators arises mainly because rainwater penetrates the stored waste, but also from leakage of the garbage. The polluted leachate is collected by the garbage dump and undergoes special wastewater treatment. The wastewater from landfills is characterized by a high variety of waste.

RisingSun Membrane offers a kind of PVDF 30nm tubular membrane for the leachate industry. See below for the related membrane products for the landfill industry.

Process Introduction:

The external tubular membrane system is a kind of process mainly for high concentration wastewater treatment, especially for landfill leachate. It is composed of biochemical process and external tubular UF membrane system. Pollutants such as organic matter will be removed through biochemical process and the sludge and water will be separated through the external tubular UF membranes, so as to get high quality ultrafiltration water, and the concentrated water will return to the biochemical tank. The designed flux is up to 70~120LMH, and the filtration accuracy can reach 0.03um. The 8mm diameter channel can effectively retain the sludge without causing membrane fouling. The maximum sludge concentration can up to 40g/l.

The combination of the tubular UF membrane system with RO or NF can make the landfill leachate effluent 
meet China government level 1 & level 2 discharge standards.

Membrane Module: TG-30nm-8830, Operation Parameters (an example)

 Working principle

 cross filtration

 Flux per module


 Operation pressure


 Chemical cleaning frequency

 1~2 month

 Flux rate

 70 LMH

 Pressure drop.

 0.8 bar

Reference of selection tubular membranes in the field of landfill leachate

Daily Capacity Q (m3/d)






Module size

4inch diameter,
3 meter length

6inch diameter,
3 meter length

8inch diameter,
3 or 4 meter length

10inch diameter,
3 meter length or
8inch diameter 4 meter length

10inch diameter,
4 meter length

Module qty.

3-6 pcs

3-6 pcs

4-6 pcs

4-6 pcs

4-6 pcs

Recommended design flux: 70LMH; Cross-flow filtering; CIP chemical cleaning.